About Us
The cost of a first trimester abortion can be more than a poverty level family lives on in a month. People forgo food, risk eviction, and pawn their possessions as they attempt to raise money for an abortion. Some are forced to continue the pregnancy, abandon their education, and stay trapped in poverty. For many, what may seem like a small amount – often less than $100 – can make all the difference to a person in need, allowing them to afford the reproductive health care they desperately need.
Abortion Access Network of Arizona (AANA) is Arizona’s only independent abortion fund. We are an all-volunteer organization dedicated to helping women afford their reproductive choices. AANA raises money for people of every age, ethnicity, and cultural background who are unable to pay for either emergency contraception or a safe and legal abortion.
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Contact Us
Abortion Access Network of Arizona
P.O. Box 3474
Tucson, AZ 85722
[email protected]
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So what are you waiting for? Get involved and help major difference for the patients we serve.